40 % Increased Agricultural Yield

Empowered by Science. Guided by Research. Trusted by Farmers.


Sampling and analysis of microbial biodiversity and nutritional composition


Improving soil health using adjusted microbial communities


Healthy microbial rich soil will increase growth

High quality products

based on science

Carbon sequestration

With our innovative soil amendment products, we empower farmers and landowners to significantly enhance carbon sequestration capabilities in their soil, fostering a sustainable and resilient environment for future generations. By leveraging our cutting-edge solutions, we enable a proactive approach towards mitigating climate change, as carbon is efficiently captured and stored within the soil, promoting a healthier planet.

Soil Health

With our novel approach, combining state-of-the-art DNA-based diagnostic tools and premium soil amendment products, we revolutionize the restoration of soil health. Our comprehensive solution accurately identifies soil deficiencies, enabling tailored recommendations for effective treatment, while our top-notch amendments enrich the soil with vital nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, fostering long-term vitality and productivity.

Water Retention

By precisely identifying soil characteristics and deficiencies, we provide tailored recommendations for treatment, while our premium amendments enhance the soil structure, boosting its water retention capacity and facilitating optimal moisture distribution for thriving plants and ecosystems.

Produts with documented

effects on soil health

Microbes and carbon

Our ambition is to increase the mold content and organic matter in soil, while improving soil health. We are collaborating with Smartsoil Biotech AS to understand the importance of microbes for carbon sequestration in soil, using DNA analysis methods and their products. Grønt Fagsenter, Viken County Municipality.

Eirik Kolsrud - CEO
Important for soil health

We at Telefrukt Producers Association are committed to healthy and sustainable food production. We want to collaborate with Smartsoil Biotech AS because they have unique expertise in soil microorganisms. We want to integrate the understanding of the importance of microbes for soil health and soil management.

Trond Bergskås - Chairman of the board
Microbes in compost

Oslo Reg composts garden waste and produces plant disease-free products. We collaborate with Smartsoil Biotech AS because they have unique expertise in the microorganisms of compost and soil. This will help us understand the contribution of microbes to good compost and provide a better basis for describing the composition of our products.

Industry partner